At the first CLICK, I knew this would be an amazing photo shoot. My three young subjects were naturals and took direction with ease. This photography session was only for their personal family use and none of them are in the "Industry" meaning modeling, acting, etc. However, I found myself creating scenarios in which I could get them work modeling or acting. They have the LOOK. They have the PERSONALITY. And being only 10, 11, and 13, they have a whole life ahead of them to perfect the craft. These Sisters were not only gracious, polite, and excited to shoot, but they were charming, fun, and full of life! I know why. A lot of it comes from the love within their family, the respect for themselves and each other, and their Montessori school background. It brought me so much joy and inspiration to take their photos. Imagine and Inspire....Thank you for taking a moment to spend on my site. Come back often and share with friends.